Thursday, November 08, 2007



I'm so frakking happy, and I can't wait to hear every detail that disclosure allows. I'm crying over here for you all.


We're still holding our breath for you, FosterAbba and FosterEema.

I can't be the only one checking every fifteen minutes, can I?


r. said...

Nope, I've been checking too. I've also been checking everyone else's blogs too, just in case they're too distraught to write but tell one of the other bloggers they know IRL and let him/her make the announcement...

flacius1551 said...

Me too. Hoping against hope that something happened to let Danielle stay with them.

Maerlowe said...

I know, all the fost-adopt blogs I have in bloglines are silent, and have been since this morning. Oh, I hope, I hope.

They're going through my nightmare.

Yondalla said...

I've been checking...and I'm signed into chat.

Yondalla said...

All called's good news. She will post details later.

Maerlowe said...

Oh thank god.

Thanks for letting us know Yondalla!

Baggage said...

I checked so many damn times I thought my computer was going to explode. I'm so glad it is good news.

FosterAbba said...

Thanks for all your wonderful thoughts and prayers.