Sunday, April 29, 2007

Okay, I'm still here. I didn't drink the kool aid or anything. Hub is home, my present was fabulous, I'll post a picture sometime, but it is a vintage Murano paperweight sold by a little old man who retired from AVeM many years ago but still has boxes and boxes of glass work. Hubs said there were many lovely pieces, but he was scared about getting a bowl or vase across the Atlantic and across his connections, so a paperweight it was.

My in-laws called us a few days ago and said, "We're four hours away! See you in the morning!" They live almost 2000 miles away. Surprise!

So. Anyone who's had inlaws pull a drop-in, you'll feel my pain here. Add to that the way things were left in November, wherein I was the crazy bitch hell bent on ruining their son's life by forcing him to adopt a crack baby because I couldn't be bothered to quit drinking for nine months and didn't want my breasts to sag, and you've got a recipe for a GOOD TIME.

Dudes, my breasts are big, and they're real. They're already sagging. Like I give a shit. I told Hubs before I married him that I'd require a breast lift by 35 to keep the chassis in shape. Full disclosure up front, baby. (By the way, the only reason we've given to Hub's parents for Huck being in care and available for adoption is the evasive "His family couldn't take care of him." They're just making up their own story, which to me is better than sharing specifics, cause then they'd be all over my ass. And I drink about once a month on date night.)

In the meantime, I've also been gearing up for a big festival thing in the town we used to live in. Even though we're over an hour away now, I'm still involved in the planning and coordinating. I dated the son of one of the chairs in high school, and I got sucked in back then. It is fun, exhausting, and even though the parades and parties and events are wonderful, I'm so glad it is over for another year. I should have just said no this year, but I didn't want to give up that part of my pre-RAD/PTSD/alphabet life.

Yesterday my MIL taught Huck a fantabulous new game called "Hide From Mommy!" because Mommy is a scary beast, and running away from me hand-in-hand with Grandma BitchFace is FUN! Whatever. She's being nice to him, so that's an improvement. At least I only have to deal with them when they're in town, which is only once or twice a year.


Liveinashoe said...

Ugh. I am so sorry.

Bacchus said...

ooh I'm so sorry. No one should have to deal with in laws. I see the good ones every few years and the bad ones not at all.

Hang in there.

Amanda said...

wow, you're mil sounds awesome. sorry they surprised you like that.

Mary said...

The fun never ends!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I would just die if my inlaws pulled one of those....