Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lets hope I stay safe.

Huckle: Mom, we can't break our legs.
Maer: Nope, we don't want to, do we?
H: If you break your leg, Daddy and I will be sad.
M: Will you take me to the hospital?
H: No, we'll get a new mommy.


Krissy said...

Oh dear.

That sound you hear is me laughing with you, not at you, by the way.

Maerlowe said...

Right? That little twerp.

CA Momma said...

Sounds quite similar to something my youngest told me once. Keep on your toes, but don't trip doing so.

Maggie said...

Maybe he thinks moms are like horses.

Maerlowe said...

Yarr. That kid.

I told the husband about this exchange, and he thought like Maggie. He also advised me not to let the kid see me asleep.

Yondalla said...

Responding here to your comment on my blog..

You watched MSCL in junior high? Dear lord. I was caring for my second baby. I feel old.

Amanda said...

I hope you're staying safe :-) I'm sure Huck's just keeping you busy.

Nicole (SummersComing) said...

I sure hope everything is okay?! I have been a reader for a long time and I dont know that I remember you being away for so long. As someone with a three kids, one of them being a three year old, I can only imagine that you're just busy! Hiope all is well!


Unknown said...

you've been quiet too. update soon!

Nicole (SummersComing) said...

Me? I only ever really had one reader and kinda ran out of things to talk about to myself........and the one reader. But if anybody is out there who still wants to read...I'll post something! LOL